About Dan

Dan first picked up his sticks from the early age of 3. Self taught with the ambition & drive for success, Dan has had the privilege of performing in sold out theatre shows across the U.K. & Europe. Playing to 30,000 people in Trafalgar square's "Pride Festival" has been just one of Dan's most memorable experiences along with having the priviledge of working with top producers including "Phil English (Mcfly, Feeder), and composer "Andrew Mccrorie - Shand" (Teletubbies, various TV themes).

Dan also has a passion for sound recording & production, with huge success recording for numerous artists across the U.K.

His many years as a musician & producer has driven him into becoming the solid player he is today, capable of grooving to anything. If you want to book Dan for a session visit the contact page or send a message through Facebook for a chat.
Alternatively visit the Video's Page to see some samples. 
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